Tuesday, 10 July 2012

Fresh Grapes Juice

    Grape juice has a lot of health benefits and one of them is it helps with digestion. A glass of grape juice can be delicious and refreshing! You can skip sugar if you like it natural but I like it a little sweet. Also, remember to use ripe grapes. 
  1. Fresh black grapes – ½ kg 
  2. Sugar – according to your taste 
  3. Water – 1 ½ cup 
  4. Ice cubes- few 
  5. Chopped grapes – 4 tsp 
Wash grapes and remove seeds and skins.
Add sugar and grapes to jar.
Serve garnished with chopped grapes and ice cubes.

1 comment:

  1. Grapes are full of health-protecting antioxidants, including resveratrol and flavonoids. These antioxidants are located mainly in the skin, stem, leaf and seeds of grapes, instead of in their pulp. The amount of antioxidants in grapes depends upon many factors, such as the kind of grape, its geographic origin and just how it’s processed. for more info. visit http://healthfoodxdrinks.com/


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